Upon popular demand, we have brought back the indoor carpet track. It is presently available on a limited basis as there are various nights of racing going on, and other EVENTS (POKEMON THURSDAY) that require floor space.
At present time, it is set up from Sunday thru Weds night, and will be taken down as per space and other race nights require.
There is no charge to utelize the space if you have a carpet car or helicopter, unless it is a SCI-HO sanctioned night or event.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND IT DOES COST MONEY TO HAVE THIS SPACE AVAILABLE, SO THERE IS A 5.00 A DAY DONATION REQUESTED FOR THOSE WHO PLAN TO RACE OR USE THE SPACE FOR PURPOSES AS A CLUB EVENT. We are a retail store, and also are here for the hobbyist so please understand the privledges of pit areas and electricity and such still cost $ and are here because we ALL want a place to play.
Without member and patron support, the bennefits of a LHS do not exist. We @ Watervliet Science and Hobby Appreciate YOU the customers and regulars, and racers alike.
The d00ds behind the counter,
D&T&G + krew
At present time, it is set up from Sunday thru Weds night, and will be taken down as per space and other race nights require.
There is no charge to utelize the space if you have a carpet car or helicopter, unless it is a SCI-HO sanctioned night or event.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND IT DOES COST MONEY TO HAVE THIS SPACE AVAILABLE, SO THERE IS A 5.00 A DAY DONATION REQUESTED FOR THOSE WHO PLAN TO RACE OR USE THE SPACE FOR PURPOSES AS A CLUB EVENT. We are a retail store, and also are here for the hobbyist so please understand the privledges of pit areas and electricity and such still cost $ and are here because we ALL want a place to play.
Without member and patron support, the bennefits of a LHS do not exist. We @ Watervliet Science and Hobby Appreciate YOU the customers and regulars, and racers alike.
The d00ds behind the counter,
D&T&G + krew